Wednesday, November 01, 2006

As hard as we try, all the kings horses and all the kings men won't put the air back into the church again. All of the "Purpose Driven... Seeker Sensitive... Organic Church" books, tapes and seminars ever produced won't put the air back into the church again. We need a fresh wind, the wind of the Spirit to breathe life into the church. What we don't need is more hot air. Let's just stop it! Let's stop trying to reinflate the Church of the Living God with MORE HOT AIR! Talking about God and faith and prayer and sin and worship and community might make us feel good about the Christian experience, but most of our talk is little more than hot air! We need to stop producing books and tapes and seminars that aim at merely reinflating the church. Let's start walking by faith, living lives that are devoted to the ways of Jesus and asking God to fill our lives and empower our mission with the wind of the Spirit. -- Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Brother.