Friday, January 19, 2007

Bob's Beat

"The Sunday Show"

File this blog under the category of personal grips! After working for 30 years as the artistic director, producer and paid performer of the "Sunday Worship Show," I just can't take it any more. Forgive me if this sounds sacrilegious, but in far too many places the worship service focuses more on pleasing the worshippers than on pleasing the one we claim to be worshipping. As a pastor,
I used to spend the biggest chuck of my time each week preparing the Sunday production. And I felt pretty good about the crowd of people who would gather. After all, that's what we're supposed to do isn't it? Isn't Sunday about creating a worship environment that will bless the members and attract newcomers? In the past I was committed to doing whatever I could to draw a crowd and introduce them to Jesus.

That just doesn't work for me any more. It feels dishonest and manipulative; not the kind of stuff that we want to be wrapped up in when we approach the living God. Jesus said that true worshippers worship in spirit and in truth. We will never be able to get very close to God if we aren't willing to take off our shoes: that is, humble ourselves and become vulnerable. Jesus talked about the danger of doing things in order to be seen by others; things like prayer and giving and fasting. He said that if we do those things in order to be seen by others we may impress them with our piety, but that's all that will happen. I'm tired of trying to do things that will impress people. I want to give myself to doing the things that will impress and honor the Lord.

That is one of the things I like about being part of a house church. The worship that takes place when a small group of believers gather in someones living room is more likely to authentic than gathering with a crowd of strangers in an large auditorium. It is far harder to fake authentic worship when you're in a living room than when you're in an auditorium. Auditoriums are for performing. Living rooms are for living. I think God is bored by our maticulously rehearsed worship productions and our beautifully performed songs. God longs to meet with us right where we live. Why do you think we call it the lliving room. -- Bob