Friday, December 08, 2006

Americans are really into makeovers. TV shows that have cashed in on the makeover mania include: Extreme makeover, I Want a Famous Face, Nip/Tuck, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and The Swan. But one show we'll never see on TV is Extreme Makeover: Church Edition. If the scenary at Church is going to change, it will be up to those of us who are serious about following Jesus to change it.

Jesus was pretty clear about the "Religious Makeover" he wants to see in the lives of those who follow him:
  • Our ACTIONS need to match our WORDS (Matt 23:13)
  • TANSPARENCY needs to replace HYPOCRISY (Matt 23:14)
  • SPIRITUALITY must replace MATERIALISM (Matt 23:16)
  • FAITH must replace religous FORMALITY (Matt 23:23)
  • MAJOR issues trump PETTY problems (Matt 12:24)
  • What'sINSIDE matters more than what's OUTSIDE (Matt 12:25)
  • RIGHTEOUSNESS replaces mere RELIGIOUSITY (Matt 23:27)
Even though Jesus addressed these problems centuries ago, they still persist today and will continue well into the future unless we throw away our Religous Makeup and ask God to do an Extreme Makeover in our lives. -- Bob