Friday, October 27, 2006

Do you know this face? His name is Wyatt Earp; not the famous law officer and gun slinger who lived in the wild west, but another Wyatt Earp who is far less famous... except in the eyes of God. Jesus said that God notices the Wyatt Earps of the world. He notices every sparrow that falls to the ground, and he knows and values the nameless, homeless, yet priceless men and women who live on our streets. During the height of his popularity, Jesus was passing through a village where a huge crowd had come out to see him. There were two blind men in that crowd, but they had been pushed aside by the mob. Somehow, Jesus heard the men's cry for help over the noise of the crowd and went to their aid. Those who are serious about following Jesus need to be on the lookout for fallen sparrows and anonymous characters like Wyatt Earp. Both are priceless in the eyes of their creator. -- Bob