Tuesday, March 13, 2007

We Are in the PEOPLE Business
Zig Zigler or one of those other consultants who makes big bucs telling people how to succeed in business gives this piece of advice, "To succeed in business you need to be able to answer two questions: 'What business are we in?' and 'How's business?'" Those are pretty important questions. One of many reasons why the influence of Christianity has declined so dramtically in North America is that we have forgotten what business we're in. We have spent far too much time and money trying to succeed in:
  • The Moralizing Business
  • The Finger Pointing Business
  • The Political Action Business
  • The Theological Reflection Business
  • The Televangelism Business
  • The Worship Entertainment Business
  • The Christian Music Business
  • The Christian Book Distribution Business
  • The Tacky Religious Paraphernnalia Business
  • The Church Building Business
  • The Antique Preservation Business
  • The Pastoral Employment Business

What business are we in? We are in the People Business. People were at the center of everything Jesus did during his brief sojourn on this planet. He broke with the religious customs of his day to heal people on the sabbath. He skipped lunch so he could spend time with a Samaritan woman who needed a drink of living water. He became indignant when his disciples tried to chase away a noisy bunch of children.. Rather than spending his time alone with a good book he chose to spent most of his time with hurting people. He delighted in hanging out with smelly fishermen, crooked tax collectors and hardened sinners. Why? Because Jesus loved people... "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that those who believe in him wouldn't perish, but would have eternal life." Churches will continue to decline and the influence of Christianity itself will continue to diminish until we remember what business we are in and invest ourselves in taking care of business. -- Bob

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