Friday, February 02, 2007

Meet a Man of Peace

When Carol and I returned from Africa last summer we moved to Baltimore to launch a house church project that we're calling Believers Church Network. I began to ask God to identify persons of peace who would help to launch this project. When Jesus sent a group of his followers out on their first mission trip he told them to find a man of peace to stay with and announce to his household that "The kingdom of God is near," (Luke 10:9). So I started to ask God to identify a person of peace that I could connect with. That's when Phil and I met, in the marina shower house of all places.

Our conversation that morning was a bit awkward at first, but we were soon involved in an animated discussion about world events. The conversation eventually focused on the invasion of Iraq and shared our deep regret for all that is going on there. It was then that we discovered that our thinking about Iraq was shaped by a mutual commitment to Jesus. "Why," we asked "have many Christians given such enthusiastic support for the war in Iraq without ever asking 'What would Jesus do?'" I didn't make the connection that morning, but it become clear that Phil was an answer to prayer. I had been praying for God to raise up a man of peace, and Phil is a man who is passionate about being a peace maker.

That morning in the shower house Phil didn't look as dashing as he looks in this photo. This pic was provided by the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra where Phil plays horn. The Baltimore Sun had a great article about Phil and his family in yesterday's newspaper. I've included that link here. Jesus said, "Blessed are the peace makers." The more I've gotten to know Phil, the more I have enjoyed that blessing. -- Bob

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