Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lord, may your kingdom come and your will be done, here in Baltimore... I graduated from seminary more than 3o years ago, and moved with my wife and 7 month old son to Baltimore to become the pastor of a small congregation in the Roland Park area. I jogged into Baltimore as a young idealistic pastor with big plans for engaging the city. Two years later I limped out of Baltimore as a weary young pastor who had trained to run a 100 yard dash, and didn't have the right stuff to run the Baltimore marathon. In spite of my inability to complete the marathon, I've always loved this city and wasn't really surprised when I sensed the call of God to return 30 years later. After all, I had never completed the race. About a year ago, while we were still living in Africa, I printed this satellite view of the Canton community from Google Earth and began praying for the area. My boat is now in slip A-42 which is along the bottom right edge of the ceramic cross sitting on the picture. I invite you to breathe a simple prayer as you jog along the promenade or drive through the streets or cruise the harbor... Lord, may your kingdom come and your will be done here in Baltimore. -- Bob

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