Thursday, December 07, 2006

Want GOD, but not Church?

You're not alone. Millions of people sincerely want to grow spiritually, but many rarely if ever attend church services of any kind. If this sounds like you, there is hope and help... There is a movement rising of people who are finding faith in a revolution that is both ancient and new. This is life out-of-bounds, beyond imagination, and more dangerous than ever before.

There are almost as many reasons why people don’t go to church as there are people. Some have been hurt or disappointed by church problems or abuse. Others don’t trust clergy or church leadership. Many have discovered hidden motivations like greed or ambition and different kinds of hypocrisy. A big percentage feel that the church hasn’t lived up to its promises to do good in the world and has, instead, sometimes been a force for evil. For some, it just feels like a waste of time or an annoying social event. There are even those who feel like their faith would actually be healthier outside the walls of the church. A large number of people simply fail to see how church makes a real difference — does it really matter or change anything?

If you listen carefully to all the reasons that people don’t want church, there is one thing you will not hear. No one says the problem is Jesus. That’s because most of us know deep down inside that all these church problem’s break Jesus’ heart. How can we know that? Because the problems with organized religion in Jesus’ day hurt him deeply and even angered him. He wasn’t shy about pointing out the sickness of religious leaders and their abuse of their followers.*

The good news is that Jesus didn’t come to sell us church. Although some people use Jesus’ name to say “be nice” and “go to church,” nothing could be farther from the true message of Jesus of Nazareth. So if Jesus didn’t come to make us into mild-mannered church goers, what did he come for? In his own words: “I came so you can have real and eternal life, more and better life than you ever dreamed of.”†

In other words, Jesus came to start a revolution — forever changing life on planet earth. For centuries since he has been calling people to “come, follow me”‡ on his amazing and aggressive mission to remake the world. He calls his followers into a lifestyle of a deep connection to God that overflows into the lives of others for their real good. This is not about becoming a boring person. Nor is it about knowing certain thoughts about God or keeping a list of rules. It’s not even about regularly attending a worship service. It’s about becoming a traveler with God himself in his grassroots movement to transform our grey existence into vibrant, bold living.

Thousands of people who want God but not church are joining Jesus’ revolution. They are learning a radical lifestyle of purpose and meaning right where they live — among their friends, family, and coworkers. They are courageously engaging people’s problems through brave and innovative action. They are connecting with others around dinner tables, beside backyard grills, in living rooms, and many other places.

(I really liked this and other blogs at Check it out. -- Bob)

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