Saturday, December 16, 2006

Looking for Information or Transformation?

The focus in many of today's small groups has shifted from Spirit-led transformation to just another teacher-student Bible study. But exercising every member's spiritual gifts is vital to the effectiveness of the group. With insight born of experience in more than twenty years of small group ministry, Joel Comiskey explains how leaders and participants alike can be supernaturally equipped to deal with real-life issues.

Notable Quotes

"Only God's supernatural power can draw people to the truth and liberate them to be all that God wants them to be."

"What excites me most about small group ministry is the intimate home atmosphere in which God has the perfect opportunity to change people's lives, prepare them for ministry and further His kingdom work."

"People are inundated with information; what they need is transformation."

"Sensitive small group leaders ask the Holy Spirit to manifest the needs of the members, knowing that the best agenda is the one that meets the needs of those present."

"The church is a hospital-not a performing arts center."

"Gifts are not primarily related to institutional maintenance. Gifts are related to the building up of persons and are best exercised in direct person-to-person contact."

"In a loving environment, group members are willing to risk and use the gifts they have."


Anonymous said...

The first page looks gooed. i just read the article by Ida Heckard that she wrote in 1998. Do you think she and the kids are stil in CA.??????

Bob said...

I'm not sure if Ida is still in CA. I wanted to include the point of view of some women and I really appreciated Ids's point of view when we worked together several years ago. I hope to make contact with her soon. -- Bob