Tuesday, November 21, 2006

(When I heard about Cuddle Parties on the news this morning I got online and checked it out. I found numerous websites that advertise Cuddle Parties. One of the adverts offers the following description:

Cuddle Party:
Empower Yourself.

  • Meet fascinating people in a friendly, light-hearted setting
  • Learn to ask for what you want
  • Develop deeper respect for yourself, your body, and your boundaries
  • Have fun sharing affectionate touch in an open communication, no-expectation environment!

Here is My Spin on the Cuddle Party Phenomenon...

Clearly, people need to be cuddled. Several years ago a George Gallup Poll asked Americans to identify their biggest problem. The poll found that LONELINESS is the single greatest problem identified by adults in North America. Many of us long for a deeper level of healthy intimacy. Unfortunately most churches are unable to provide any real intimacy for those who attend. A typical Sunday worship service offers little intimacy with God and with others. That is tragic because if there is one place where people should be able to experience healthy intimacy, it is among those who are called to "Love One Another" the way Jesus loves us.

One of the reasons I want to be a part of the house church movement is because house churches can provide a more natural and biblical setting to cultivate the deep level of intimacy provided by a healthy Christ-centered community. A House Church is designed to offer:

Christ-Centered Community

People Helping People to be Empowered by Christ

  • Meet ordinary and fascinating, interesting and weird people who long for an experience of authentic community
  • Learn to ask, "How can I help you to find security and significance in Jesus?"
  • Develop the capacity to get filled up by pouring yourself into others
  • Have fun sharing affection, laughter, grief, and all that REAL life has to offer in a safe, healthy Christ-centered gathering!

I know tons of people who would love to be cuddled, cradled and cared for within a safe, healthy, authentic Christ-centered community. How about you? -- Bob

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